How comes to discrimination? Be aware / Jak dochodzi do dyskryminacji? Uświadom sobie

Migration and discrimination of migrants were topics of a two day workshop at the Museum of History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.

We learnt what we need to act against discrimination: knowledge, skills, reflection -> motivation to act. These reminds me of the concept of Swiss Johann Pestalozzi „head, heart and hand” [głowa, serce, ręka]. It means that our mind, feelings and actions should „act” together. Continue reading „How comes to discrimination? Be aware / Jak dochodzi do dyskryminacji? Uświadom sobie”

Network of Polish NGO’s

Looking for network of NGO’s? Join the National Federation of Polish NGOs (Ogólnopolska Federacja Organizacji Pozarządowych, OFOP). OFOP is organising a meeting (a forum) of Polish non-governmental organisations every 4 years. Continue reading „Network of Polish NGO’s”

Civil society and civic life in Poland

To support relationships between nations the knowledge of journalists should be supported. Get to know this great initiative! Before the European Football Championship 2012 more than 20 journalists of different German media went to Warsaw, Kiew and Charkow to get to know more about the civic life in the countries and preparation to the Championship. Continue reading „Civil society and civic life in Poland”