On Friday I had to spend some time outside of our flat. So I went to a cinema. I had no expectations towards the film which I was supposed to watch. I haven’t wasted time and I had to think about youth and time of adolescence. It was „Being 17”. It’s interesting to watch which are the relations between a white and not-white young adults in a French mountains’ region.
Important are also other differences, living in high mountains and in a city next to the mountains, living as a adopted child and a loving child of „own” parents, coming from a French family and a not-French/imigrants family.
Nevertheless there were also some basic similarities between the young adults. They are both lonely. They don’t believe in themselves. They struggle with their parents in different terms.
Both young adults are Damien and Tom. Damien lives with his mother Marianne, a doctor, while his father is on a tour of duty abroad. He is bullied by Thomas. Meanwhile, Tom’s foster mother is facing a difficult pregnancy and Marianne invites Tom to live with her family for the time being. The two foes are thus forced to live together. The boys find themselves living together.
I asked myself if the film could be important for young adults in Eastern Europe. I think, it’s interesting to see which perspectives of living have young adults in French mountains region. It was important for me to see that Tom could live in the city with the help of school in case his parents couldn’t afford it. It’s interesting how often French people drink wine, e.g. mother of Damien offered wine to Tom.
Still one similarity to Eastern Europe is important for me, both young adults don’t show up with their homosexual orientation in public. Other similarities are called above.
One remark more: Damien’s mother seems to be an open minded person and it’s not related to the culture but to the attitudes toward life. One can say, she earns good, so she can afford more and be more open minded. But it’s stll a question of attitude. Many rich people live in stress and are not ready to change anything in their private live.
Have you watched the film? What do you think about it?
So I add also a trailer that you will be more curious about it.
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOSPninRQwI[/embedyt]
Nie widziałam filmu. Byc może faktycznie dla mlodych ludzi może byc interesujący właśnie ze względu na ikazanie innej perspektywy życia i problemów.
Nie widziałam filmu. Byc może faktycznie dla mlodych ludzi może byc interesujący właśnie ze względu na ikazanie innej perspektywy życia i problemów.