Hello in Mai 2016!
I want to recommend you some new applications, places and events this month.
- Free application to construct, navigate, share, and criticize knowledge models represented as concept maps – the Cmap Cloud. A Cmap Cloud account enables you to store and share your Cmaps in the Cloud. You need to create a Cmap Cloud account at: https://cmapcloud.ihmc.us:443 (creating an account and using the Cmap Cloud is free). It can be downloaded for free at http://cmap.ihmc.us. The following video shows how to use CmapTools to access the Cmap Cloud account you created: http://cmap.ihmc.us/docs/cmaptools-help-videos#cmap-cloud.
- Warsaw University started a new center: Digital Labor of Humanists at the Warsaw University (Laboratorium Cyfrowe Humanistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, LaCH UW). Read more in Polish.
- Pol-Int starts its new academic blog, called the „Salon”, which will focus on topics within the title of „Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Energy and the Environment in Central Europe”. From April until October 2016, we will regularly publish different contributions (articles, reviews, interviews and more) in Polish, English and/or German that will deal with aspects such as energy security, environmental and low carbon policies, protection of nature and animals, among others. A group of young scholars in collaboration with the Pol-Int editing team is moderating the blog. We will also organise some expert events in order to bridge the gap between digital and analogue discussion. More informations you find here.
- Museums and the Web is an annual conference featuring advanced research and exemplary applications of digital practice for cultural, natural and scientific heritage. It’s a great source of inspiration to work on cultural heritage and Internetu. Ideas are spreaded via a competition GLAMi Awards, old name: the Best of the Web Awards: http://mw2016.museumsandtheweb.com/glami-nominees/. The winners can be seen here: http://mw2016.museumsandtheweb.com/glami-winners/. You can watch the programm here.
If you want to share some news with me, send it to me please: agnieszka.kudelka@gmail.com.
See you in June!
Hello in February 2016!
Interested in digital humanities, Websites and studies related to humanism & Internet?
Read these short informations here. I collected them day by day this year and presented first on the facebook fanpage Digital Humanists. I will once a month or for two months present them all together here.
How important are they for you? Professor Jan Strelau told in an interview with Andrzej Tucholski something like that, if someone doesn’t come back to studying with passion, it means, if time doesn’t fly away for one while studying, one can’t be a good scientist. It’s somehow true in my opinion. My time is really flying away while last correction of my PhD. The 2 month of 2016 are passing already by.
In March I focus on the PhD even more to get it finally done. So I will be offline, what I’m happt about. You too hopefully 🙂
See you at the end of March or at the beginning of April!
Take care!
Hello in January 2016!
Glad to see you! What happend in the meantime?
I started consultation on building communities regards blogs and buisnesses. After one of consultations Magda wrote to me:
„I recommend consultation of Agnieszka. She has huge knowledge, which she can put into practice successfully. Additionally she has no problem with sharing it. She is a volcano of ideas. At the same time she can judge the usefullnes of every of those ideas to the point. Consultation took place in a real friendly atmosphere and afterwords I knew what to do perfectly.”
I share today only with the subscribers of the newsletter 44 free tools for creating and promoting content in the Internet. You can find there tools related to: e-books, presentations, (video)infographics, animations/videos/screencasts, e-mail courses, online meetings and online comunication.
This list is complett because of its selektiv and subiektiv charakter. I will update it because I want to be up to date with the know-how. Some tools are no more free or they don’t exist any more, as the platform for creating e-books Liber.io.
Do you like to share any other tool with me? Thank you in advance for it!
Take care!
P.S. In January I couldn’t organise a webinar because of consultation. I also doubt on the sense of webinars because I rather prefer shorter video forms.
Hello in December 2015!
It’s time to send next newsletter!
In the last letter I’ve asked you to help me, how I should call my blog. According to many sugesstions I stay with my name Humanist on the Web. Thanks for help!
In past weeks I didn’t write so many posts but I wrote one concret post in English:
International Human Rights Day
On December, 8 I took part on a meeting of non-governmental organisations which deal with fight against discrimination, mostly at schools, in Poland. They built a coalition for education against discrimination.
You should know about coalition in the face of discussion about democracy in Poland and non-democratic activities of Polish government. Activities of the coalition are coordinated by the Association of Education against Discrimination.
About the International Human Rights Day on December, 10 you can read more on the blog.
My New Year’s resolution is to organise at least 2 meetings with people interessted in humanistic values and computer tools 🙂 I think also about organising an online seminar about it in English. Will it be something interessting for you?
Write it me please.
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I wish you a great Season’s greatings time!
Hello in November 2015!
I’m glad that you joined the newsletter. I hope, you will be not disappointed. You should know, that I’m open for any remarks, suggestions regards to the blog. Write me here.
I started the blog on my own webpage on October, 10, so I have a question to you, I don’t know, how to call my blog, please tell me your opinion via this form. Thanks a lot.
In the past weeks I took part at a challange organised by Kamila Chyła (IKIMASA), who convinced me to organising 2 online seminars to invite more people to follow my activities. Both seminars were very energetic, which I follow via chat. Because in last six years I built a network of local community archives in Poland, I’m a member of some networks and I observe some networks I made my conclusions on building networks/communities and presented them by these seminars.
In these weeks I also present 9 articles on the blog, partially in English, partially in Polish. I encourage you to read especially those:
There are a lot of think tanks in every democratic country. A very important think tank in Poland is Centre for Eastern Studies (Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia). It’s an independent public research institution monitoring the events and analysing the socio-political and economic processes taking place in Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, the Visegrad Group states, the Balkan states and Turkey.
Since 2003 activists in fields of cultural, language and civic exchange in East Central Europe, which are members of an association MitOst, meet annualy – each time in a different city – and develop themselves in different topics. Get to know MitOst here: www.mitost.org.
ONLINE SEMINARS: If you want to influence my next online seminars, answer these 3 questions.
Thank you a lot for reading. See you in circa 2 weeks!