A think tank, other called policy institute or research institute, is an organization that performs research and advocacy concerning topics such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology, and culture.
There are a lot of think tanks in every democratic country. A very important think tank in Poland is Centre for Eastern Studies (Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia). It’s an independent public research institution monitoring the events and analysing the socio-political and economic processes taking place in Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, the Visegrad Group states, the Balkan states and Turkey.
You can subscribe to its newsletter and receive the newest analysis directly into your mail-box.
Current topis of analysis are:
Local elections in Ukraine / Wybory samorządowe na Ukrainie
Apprehension of Hennadij Korban – faight against corruption or political enemies? / Zatrzymanie Hennadija Korbana – walka z korupcją czy przeciwnikami politycznymi?
Germany: conflict in the great coalition / Niemcy: konflikt w wielkiej koalicji
Moldova: Fall of government of Valeriu Streleta / Mołdawia: upadek rządu Valeriu Streleța
Secretary of State of the United States of America in Central Asia / Sekretarz stanu USA w Azji Centralnej
Parliamentary elections in the Turkey – return of the party AKP to power / Wybory parlamentarne w Turcji – powrót AKP do pełni władzy
Phobia towards Russia as a tool of the strategy of the Kremlin. Weapons of mass destruction / Rusofobia w strategii Kremla. Broń masowego rażenia
What do you think, which other think tanks are very important in East Central Europe?
Fot. Russian Council, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.