Teaching human rights and history

Combining human rights and history education can be very useful. One of the common values for both fields is the change. If you analyse history you look mostly for the change and dealing with human rights aimes mostly at bringing change into life.

Change is also a title of a book wich is being prepared by an international team of scientists in collaboration with practitioners of history education and human rights education. I will upload it here, when it will be finished in 2016.

Combing thes two fields was also the aim of the project „Education for human rights in the places of remembrance in the context of European crimes’ experiences”

It was a German-Russian-Polish project about teaching human rights and history at memorial sites. It take place from April till December 2014 in Perm (Russia), Bergen-Belsen (Germany) and Oświęcim (Poland).

The results of the project can be viewed and downloaded here.

Within the project I worked on learning modules related to the experience of crimes of Nazis and Soviet Union. My learning modul is dedicated co-workers of prisons.

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