International Human Rights Day

On December, 10 is the International Human Rights Day since 1950. 2015 it seemed to be not so important day in Poland, because there were not planned any events e.g. on behalf of the Ministry of National Education.

There were some local events and the Coalition for Education against Discrimination prepares a letter to teachers and local activists related to this Day. You can read the letter here.

This year Human Rights Day highlights ’Freedoms,’ recalling the four freedoms that underlie the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and two major human rights covenants (more about it here).
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Jan Karski. Human beings and H/history

Looking for examples of brave but not out of reach people? Jan Karski was one of them. His life was an inspiration for the conference „Jan Karski. Human beings and H/history. Aims of education for antidiscrimination”. Continue reading „Jan Karski. Human beings and H/history”

Teaching human rights and history

Combining human rights and history education can be very useful. One of the common values for both fields is the change. If you analyse history you look mostly for the change and dealing with human rights aimes mostly at bringing change into life.

Change is also a title of a book wich is being prepared by an international team of scientists in collaboration with practitioners of history education and human rights education. I will upload it here, when it will be finished in 2016. Continue reading „Teaching human rights and history”

Teaching materials to human rights

Teaching human rights is a challenge for people from different fields and institutions. That’s why the Centre of Human Rights Education of the University of Teacher Education in Lucerne is organising the Human Rights Education Symposium in Lucerne. The topic of the Symposium in 2012 was the developing of teaching materials on human rights education. Continue reading „Teaching materials to human rights”