Stipend of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Stipend of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education

The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education supports the achievements of students at Polish universities. Not only the scientific results are here important, but also the social activities of students. More about the conditions which students should fulfiled you can read here in Polish. Continue reading „Stipend of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education”

Internships at cultural and educational institutions

Making internship while study is very important. But you should look for the best institution for you. I didn’t think at the beginning about the culture department of Polish Embassy in Berlin, but thanks to help at the Polish Embassy I made this decision and it was the best one for me at this time. Continue reading „Internships at cultural and educational institutions”

cardinal Richelieu

Difficult neighbourhood in Alsace and Lothringen

Relationships between France and Germany are called often as „difficult”. Especially Alsace and Lothringen are the regions which caused conflicts. Continue reading „Difficult neighbourhood in Alsace and Lothringen”

University Potsdam

Scientific background and mentors

My scientific background is based on study of German culture and language at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń 2002-2007 and history study at University of Potsdam 2007-2013. I recommend you to go there because of many possibilities to develop your skills and interests. I took part on many excursions to different historical regions of East Central Europe and learnt to make researches on the history and culture of the region. Continue reading „Scientific background and mentors”