How comes to discrimination? Be aware / Jak dochodzi do dyskryminacji? Uświadom sobie

Migration and discrimination of migrants were topics of a two day workshop at the Museum of History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.

We learnt what we need to act against discrimination: knowledge, skills, reflection -> motivation to act. These reminds me of the concept of Swiss Johann Pestalozzi „head, heart and hand” [głowa, serce, ręka]. It means that our mind, feelings and actions should „act” together. Continue reading „How comes to discrimination? Be aware / Jak dochodzi do dyskryminacji? Uświadom sobie”

Memory places of Kraków

I helped to conduct the seminar about history of and memory places in Kraków (13-19 May 2013) of Prof. Jürgen Angelow and (this time) Prof. Zdzisław Noga. The participants were students of the Freie Universität Berlin und Pedagogical University in Krakow. The topics of speeches were related as always to historical places (monuments, public places, churches etc.). Continue reading „Memory places of Kraków”

cardinal Richelieu

Difficult neighbourhood in Alsace and Lothringen

Relationships between France and Germany are called often as „difficult”. Especially Alsace and Lothringen are the regions which caused conflicts. Continue reading „Difficult neighbourhood in Alsace and Lothringen”