Galicia and the petroleum industry

Galician poverty is a slogan from the 19th century. But not many people know that Galicia was a prosperous industry region at that time. To get to know more about it you should read the book „Three-city in the borderland.  Truskawiec – Drohobycz – Borysław” („Kresowe trójmiasto. Truskawiec – Drohobycz – Borysław”) of Sanisław S. Nicieja. It is a popular science book which shows not very known facts about the region.

Another expert on the theme is Tomasz Kuba Kozłowski. His meetings about former Easter regions of Poland in Warsaw are always very popular. One of his topis was Borysław and petroleum industry (17.05.2012, 19.00, Al. Wilanowska 43 c, organizers: Dom Spotkań z Historią, Restauracja Kresowiak).

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