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Digital humanities, Websites and studies – part I

Interested in digital humanities, Websites and studies related to humanism & Internet? Read these short informations here. I collected them day by day this year and presented first on the facebook fanpage Digital Humanists. I will once a month or for two months present them all together here.


How important are they for you? Professor Jan Strelau told in an interview with Andrzej Tucholski something like that, if someone doesn’t come back to studying with passion, it means, if time doesn’t fly away for one while studying, one can’t be a good scientist. It’s somehow true in my opinion. My time is really flying away while last correction of my PhD. The 5th day of 2016 is also passing by.


Today is in Poland the National Grandparents Day. That’s why I share this video.


On Februar, 14 a campaign One Billion Rising Poland against sexual violence against women and girls takes place in many different cities and villages in Poland


For humanists are values often very worthy. Last week a webinar with a philosopher Chris (Krzysztof) Skowroński took place and everyone can watch it on youtube. Which valuable webinar/video do you recommend?


Are you looking for new and not main stream Polish literature? Visit


Still looking for new sources? Hier is the best list I’ve ever seen 🙂 You can learn here: platform of online courses, how to code, to work with data, new languages, knowledge in different fields and even to play something 🙂


„This community understands the meaning of networks. Here meet heart and mind.” – is it a good motto of digital humanists?


„None of us is fully in control of what Digital Humanities is”. It’s crucial to find out „the way the digital transforms what it means to have a humanism”. David Parry #‎digitalhumanities‬ ‪#‎digitalhumanism‬ ‪#‎digital‬ ‪#‎humanistic‬ ‪#‎human‬ ‪#‎cyfrowahumanistyka‬ ‪#‎cyfrowyhumanista‬ ‪#‎cyfryzacja‬

You are humanist and/or want to make something good? Make a social campaign related to human rights! You can get inspired and prepar you, using these materials of two ex-co-workers of advertising branch. Thanks to @Lektury Badacza for sharing this info on the fanpage!

What does it mean for you to be a humanist? For me it means to act against discrimination and violations. Yesterday I was a witness of a crime. A wallet was stolen to a foreign man. I’ve got confused and didn’t know how to react. I think it’s a result of lack of reflection how to act against negative behaviour of other people last time. That’s why I read this article again.

Next collection of short information I will publish here soon.

What do you think about it? What do you want to get to know more?


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