I took part on a seminar about the history of the relationships on the Balkan in the 19th and 20th century in Varna 2006. On the seminar took part students of history at the Potsdam university and Bulgarian history students. If you are interested in history of the World War I on the Balkan, I recommend you this book: Der Erste Weltkrieg auf dem Balkan: Perspektiven der Forschung (2011). Continue reading „The Balkans in the 19. and the 20. century”
Scientific background and mentors
My scientific background is based on study of German culture and language at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń 2002-2007 and history study at University of Potsdam 2007-2013. I recommend you to go there because of many possibilities to develop your skills and interests. I took part on many excursions to different historical regions of East Central Europe and learnt to make researches on the history and culture of the region. Continue reading „Scientific background and mentors”