Collective, individual, cultural or communicative memory are very well known in the science. But what is fluctuating or ambiguous memory? I came to this conclusion in regard to my analyse of monuments in L’viv between 1867 and 1939. „Ambiguous memory” means that the memory on one person or event is differential for different society groups and even individuals. Continue reading „Fluctuating memory”
Monuments in L’viv – 1867-1939 – a concept
Continue reading „Monuments in L’viv – 1867-1939 – a concept”
Escape, expulsion after the World War II and its commemoration
In September 2006 I took part on German-Polish seminar about escape, expulsion after the World War II and their commemoration. We were listening to memories of Sybiracy. We had a discussion with a member of German Association of German Displaced Persons (Bund der deutschen Vertriebenen). We’ve visited Cedynia to watch the monument of a battle by Cedynia and to discuss about myth of Piast dynasty. Continue reading „Escape, expulsion after the World War II and its commemoration”
The Balkans in the 19. and the 20. century
I took part on a seminar about the history of the relationships on the Balkan in the 19th and 20th century in Varna 2006. On the seminar took part students of history at the Potsdam university and Bulgarian history students. If you are interested in history of the World War I on the Balkan, I recommend you this book: Der Erste Weltkrieg auf dem Balkan: Perspektiven der Forschung (2011). Continue reading „The Balkans in the 19. and the 20. century”