Stipend of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Stipend of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education

The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education supports the achievements of students at Polish universities. Not only the scientific results are here important, but also the social activities of students. More about the conditions which students should fulfiled you can read here in Polish. Continue reading „Stipend of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education”

Internships at cultural and educational institutions

Making internship while study is very important. But you should look for the best institution for you. I didn’t think at the beginning about the culture department of Polish Embassy in Berlin, but thanks to help at the Polish Embassy I made this decision and it was the best one for me at this time. Continue reading „Internships at cultural and educational institutions”

Escape, expulsion after the World War II and its commemoration

In September 2006 I took part on German-Polish seminar about escape, expulsion after the World War II and their commemoration. We were listening to memories of Sybiracy. We had a discussion with a member of German Association of German Displaced Persons (Bund der deutschen Vertriebenen). We’ve visited Cedynia to watch the monument of a battle by Cedynia and to discuss about myth of Piast dynasty. Continue reading „Escape, expulsion after the World War II and its commemoration”

Lipiec 2006 Theodor Heuss Kolleg

Popularisation of democratic values by the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg

The Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg was a funding programme of Robert Bosch Foundation. This collegue supported popularisation of democratic values among young people from East Central Europe. I was a member of the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg from May 2005 till July 2006. The photos present the finish of the collegue in July 2006 in Berlin. Continue reading „Popularisation of democratic values by the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg”

Training how to conduct a seminar

I recommend veryone to take part on trainings of every kind. Because I learnt to conduct an international seminar I took part on a training „How to conduct a seminar”, which was organised by Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg of the Robert Bosch Foundation. Continue reading „Training how to conduct a seminar”

Seminar Eastern Europe on the move 2006 Torun

Eastern Europe on move

Project work is something very important for the personal development of young people. Students of Eastern and Central Europe could learn the project work in practice thanks to the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg of the Robert Bosch Foundation. Me as a member of the Kolleg together with two other members conducted an German-Ukrainian-Polish seminar about Eastern Europe on the move in Toruń in March 2006. Continue reading „Eastern Europe on move”

cardinal Richelieu

Difficult neighbourhood in Alsace and Lothringen

Relationships between France and Germany are called often as „difficult”. Especially Alsace and Lothringen are the regions which caused conflicts. Continue reading „Difficult neighbourhood in Alsace and Lothringen”

Gottingen Germany 2005

Bologna process in Germany, Hungary and Poland

Students from almost all European countries should be interested in analyses of studies in Europe after the Bologna process. The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education publishes a number of changes which are important for universities after the Bologna process. Continue reading „Bologna process in Germany, Hungary and Poland”