On December, 10 is the International Human Rights Day since 1950. 2015 it seemed to be not so important day in Poland, because there were not planned any events e.g. on behalf of the Ministry of National Education.
There were some local events and the Coalition for Education against Discrimination prepares a letter to teachers and local activists related to this Day. You can read the letter here.
This year Human Rights Day highlights ’Freedoms,’ recalling the four freedoms that underlie the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and two major human rights covenants (more about it here).
Why „freedoms”?
In his “four freedoms speech” in 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt offered a vision. His wife, Eleonore, was instrumental in helping that vision find its way into human rights treaties. Both were instrumental in the creation of the United Nations, 70 years ago.
The slogan of the 2014 was „Human Rights 365„. It encompassed the idea that every day is Human Rights Day. For this reason the Center for Development of Education, Batory Fundation and Society for Education against Discrimination have organised on December, 10 (2014) conference „School without discrimination – safe school”.
I presented there the tool of teaching about realtions between minority and majority on example of Jews and Romas within the Open Space.
The conference was addressed mostly to teachers, directors of schools, educators. I observe a great need among Polish teachers to learn more about how to solve problems with discrimination at schools.
Society for Education against Discrimination coordinates the Coalition for Education against Discrimination. Get to know more about the activities of the Coalition or join it.
Fot. John Nakamura Remy. CC BY-SA 2.0
Fot. http://www.ngofund.org.pl/konferencja-szkola-bez-dyskryminacji-bezpieczna-szkola/