Network of cultural and civic activists – MitOst

The Society MitOst is a living network of cultural and civic activists in Eastern and Central Europe. Every year member meet at different cities in the region. A member can be everyone, who is interested in the culture and civic life in the region. The meetings have the name „Festival” and have different topics. E.g. the 9th Festival of MitOst took place in České Budějovice from 28.9.2011 till 2.10.2011. The topic of this MitOst – Festival was new forms of engagement. There were many people who are engaged for a balanced life.

I also took part on some interesting workshops about engagement via Internet and readings and talks about East Central Europe.

Carmen Eller: „Ein Jahr in Moskau – Reise in den Alltag”, reading and discussion

More about the 11th MitOst-Festival you can find here: (in German).



MitOst is 15 years old, that’s why the big cake! After eating the cake with some 200 hunderts other people at the Festival, we went to one of many concerts while the Festival…


After the 9th MitOst-Festival in České Budějovice some MitOst-members went to Český Krumlov. It is a small city in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic with fine architecture and art of the historic old town and Český Krumlov Castle. It should be also mentioned that the Old Český Krumlov is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The pictue shows also the Revolving Theatre, which is an amazing thing one should see.



Prague is the place where different ways are crossing and many members of the association MitOst could meet after of before the annual meeting event, the so-called „MitOst-Festival”. It is a very open city with some quite unusual monuments.

More about MitOst you can find here:

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