Olga K.

A diary from the 13th MitOst Festival [Olga Konovalova]

Since 2003 activists in fields of cultural, language and civic exchange in East Central Europe, which are members of an association MitOst, meet annualy – each time in a different city – and develop themselves in different topics. Get to know MitOst here: www.mitost.org.

And read here a diary from the 13th International MitOst Festival written by Olga Konovalova:

„An old green train #115O that passes daily through Lviv and goes to Ivano-Frankivsk, or Stanislau (an old name of the city which I like more). It goes slowly without stops through the villages, endless picturesque fields and dense forests as it gives time specially for enjoying the landscape. The train has its typical knock sound which I missed in European trains. I ask the train conductor to bring me glass of tea in metal glass-holder, which is possible to find only in trains of post-soviet countries. I was drinking sourse by source the tea, enjoying the landscape and thinking what is waiting on me at MitOst festival. I was going without any expectations or knowledge what is going to happen and looking forward to discover the city, the festival and organization itself. Continue reading „A diary from the 13th MitOst Festival [Olga Konovalova]”

Journey to former Polish East South borderland

If you are looking for new place to discover, I recommend you to make a journey to former Polish East South borderland. The region has a lot to offer. You need to make the journey in few days, at least 5. The route and topics which you could reflect on you can see on the link here. Continue reading „Journey to former Polish East South borderland”

East Central Europe

East Central Europe – what is it?

It is not easy to distinguish between East Europe and Central Europe. At the same time the local roots are very important. Despite people are changing, roots of changes and of the mentality can be seen in the past. So what is East-Central Europe? Oskar Halecki distinguished four regions in Europe (Western, West Central, East Central and Eastern Europe). Continue reading „East Central Europe – what is it?”

Poles and Hungarians and their place in Europe

Because of numerous refugees who nowadays want to come to Europe are Hungary and Poland often a topic in the European media. Both are seen as sceptical to the acceptance of refugees in their countries. Poles and Hungarians has a lot in common in the past. Their relationship gives a number of sources for scientific researches.

Poles and Hungarians shared rulers and faith. Common was also the Revolution of 1956, which was of course more tragic on the Hungarian side. Continue reading „Poles and Hungarians and their place in Europe”

Textbook „History and human rights”

KARTA Center’ve published the textbook „History and human rights” and translated it into English. You can find the textbook here. I’m the co-editor of the textbook. Continue reading „Textbook „History and human rights””

Monuments as a medium of remembrance

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity established in Warsaw supports since 2011 researches on genealogies of memory in Central and Eastern Europe. It’s first conference was dedicated to theories and methods. I gave there a paper on „Monuments and memory constructs in L’viv between 1867 and 1939”. The programme of the conference you can download here. Continue reading „Monuments as a medium of remembrance”

Network of cultural and civic activists – MitOst

The Society MitOst is a living network of cultural and civic activists in Eastern and Central Europe. Every year member meet at different cities in the region. A member can be everyone, who is interested in the culture and civic life in the region. The meetings have the name „Festival” and have different topics. E.g. the 9th Festival of MitOst took place in České Budějovice from 28.9.2011 till 2.10.2011. The topic of this MitOst – Festival was new forms of engagement. There were many people who are engaged for a balanced life. Continue reading „Network of cultural and civic activists – MitOst”

Lipiec 2006 Theodor Heuss Kolleg

Popularisation of democratic values by the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg

The Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg was a funding programme of Robert Bosch Foundation. This collegue supported popularisation of democratic values among young people from East Central Europe. I was a member of the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg from May 2005 till July 2006. The photos present the finish of the collegue in July 2006 in Berlin. Continue reading „Popularisation of democratic values by the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg”

Seminar Eastern Europe on the move 2006 Torun

Eastern Europe on move

Project work is something very important for the personal development of young people. Students of Eastern and Central Europe could learn the project work in practice thanks to the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg of the Robert Bosch Foundation. Me as a member of the Kolleg together with two other members conducted an German-Ukrainian-Polish seminar about Eastern Europe on the move in Toruń in March 2006. Continue reading „Eastern Europe on move”

Gottingen Germany 2005

Bologna process in Germany, Hungary and Poland

Students from almost all European countries should be interested in analyses of studies in Europe after the Bologna process. The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education publishes a number of changes which are important for universities after the Bologna process. Continue reading „Bologna process in Germany, Hungary and Poland”