Media, archives, storytelling

Do media need archives? What has storytelling to do with archive materials? Stories holded on archive sources. Archive sources could be included into media narratives on a attractive way, e.g. using storytelling. There are at least two reasons for it. The stories become „second life” and media don’t have to construct content which can be useful and interesting for its audience. They can use ready sources. Continue reading „Media, archives, storytelling”

Network of Polish NGO’s

Looking for network of NGO’s? Join the National Federation of Polish NGOs (Ogólnopolska Federacja Organizacji Pozarządowych, OFOP). OFOP is organising a meeting (a forum) of Polish non-governmental organisations every 4 years. Continue reading „Network of Polish NGO’s”

Textbook „History and human rights”

KARTA Center’ve published the textbook „History and human rights” and translated it into English. You can find the textbook here. I’m the co-editor of the textbook. Continue reading „Textbook „History and human rights””

Pozegnanie Joy w Parku, 2001

The 90s: American Peace Corps in Poland

Did you know that the volunteers of the American Peace Corps were working also in Poland? I worked on a one-year documentary project about their work. Effects of the project are a bilingual publication and a bilingual Web-presentation: (pl) and (en). Some collected photos you can see here. Continue reading „The 90s: American Peace Corps in Poland”

Network of cultural and civic activists – MitOst

The Society MitOst is a living network of cultural and civic activists in Eastern and Central Europe. Every year member meet at different cities in the region. A member can be everyone, who is interested in the culture and civic life in the region. The meetings have the name „Festival” and have different topics. E.g. the 9th Festival of MitOst took place in České Budějovice from 28.9.2011 till 2.10.2011. The topic of this MitOst – Festival was new forms of engagement. There were many people who are engaged for a balanced life. Continue reading „Network of cultural and civic activists – MitOst”