I helped to conduct the seminar about history of and memory places in Kraków (13-19 May 2013) of Prof. Jürgen Angelow and (this time) Prof. Zdzisław Noga. The participants were students of the Freie Universität Berlin und Pedagogical University in Krakow. The topics of speeches were related as always to historical places (monuments, public places, churches etc.). Continue reading „Memory places of Kraków”
Memory places and culture of remembrance in L’viv
Remembrance culture and memory places in L’viv are more and more interesting as a research topic. To give the students the opportunity of researches on the topic Prof. Jürgen Angelow (University Potsdam/University of the Saarland) organised a seminar on this topic in L’viv 2007 and 2012.
Continue reading „Memory places and culture of remembrance in L’viv”
Escape, expulsion after the World War II and its commemoration
In September 2006 I took part on German-Polish seminar about escape, expulsion after the World War II and their commemoration. We were listening to memories of Sybiracy. We had a discussion with a member of German Association of German Displaced Persons (Bund der deutschen Vertriebenen). We’ve visited Cedynia to watch the monument of a battle by Cedynia and to discuss about myth of Piast dynasty. Continue reading „Escape, expulsion after the World War II and its commemoration”