Poznaj sąsiada – „Nie ma jak Lwów…”

O różnych obliczach miasta Lwowa, inteligenckim, przedsiębiorczym, kulturalnym, historycznym i pamiętającym Lwowie przeczytacie mój artykuł na portalu www.podrozystka.pl. „O życiu we Lwowie powstały piosenki (np. „Tylko we Lwowie” Szczepka i Tońki), filmy („W ciemności” A. Holland), napisano tomy wspomnień i publikacji. Wielu starszych Polaków wspomina to miasto z czułością i wielu nie chce mierzyć się z jego teraźniejszością. Nic dziwnego, bo po co niszczyć cudowny obraz żyjący we wspomnieniach. A Lwów się zmienia.” Continue reading „Poznaj sąsiada – „Nie ma jak Lwów…””

German-Belorussian-Lithuanian relationships

Looking for ideas of scientific excursions? I recommend you to go to Lithuania. I took part on the excursion for German, Lithuanian and Belorussian students „Lithuania During a Period of The Two World Wars“ (05.10.2014 – 17.05.2014, Vilnius and Kaunas, Lithuania), organised in cooperation with the Vilnius University and European Humanities University. Continue reading „German-Belorussian-Lithuanian relationships”

Urban Spaces of L’viv

There was a number of number of international conferences dedicated to the link of topics „Lviv: City – Society – Culture”. On May 29-31, 2014 the 12th conference took place at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the Center for Urban History. This conference, dedicated to Lviv’s urban space in both its physical and symbolic dimensions, was precisely called „Urban Spaces of Lviv/Lwów/Lemberg: Imagination, Experiences, Practices.” Continue reading „Urban Spaces of L’viv”

Memory places of Kraków

I helped to conduct the seminar about history of and memory places in Kraków (13-19 May 2013) of Prof. Jürgen Angelow and (this time) Prof. Zdzisław Noga. The participants were students of the Freie Universität Berlin und Pedagogical University in Krakow. The topics of speeches were related as always to historical places (monuments, public places, churches etc.). Continue reading „Memory places of Kraków”

Memory places and culture of remembrance in L’viv

Remembrance culture and memory places in L’viv are more and more interesting as a research topic. To give the students the opportunity of researches on the topic Prof. Jürgen Angelow (University Potsdam/University of the Saarland) organised a seminar on this topic in L’viv 2007 and 2012.

Continue reading „Memory places and culture of remembrance in L’viv”

Monuments as a medium of remembrance

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity established in Warsaw supports since 2011 researches on genealogies of memory in Central and Eastern Europe. It’s first conference was dedicated to theories and methods. I gave there a paper on „Monuments and memory constructs in L’viv between 1867 and 1939”. The programme of the conference you can download here. Continue reading „Monuments as a medium of remembrance”

Memory places of the regions

Comparisions of regionals researches and finding a broader geographical context can be also very inspiring. So the conference „Regional memory places: Western Bohemia and Middle Germany – a comparision” (Regionale Erinnerungsorte: Westböhmen und Mitteldeutschland im europäischen Kontext) in November 2011 was for me a great possibility to see the bigger picture. Continue reading „Memory places of the regions”