Poles and Hungarians and their place in Europe

Because of numerous refugees who nowadays want to come to Europe are Hungary and Poland often a topic in the European media. Both are seen as sceptical to the acceptance of refugees in their countries. Poles and Hungarians has a lot in common in the past. Their relationship gives a number of sources for scientific researches.

Poles and Hungarians shared rulers and faith. Common was also the Revolution of 1956, which was of course more tragic on the Hungarian side. Continue reading „Poles and Hungarians and their place in Europe”

Monuments as a medium of remembrance

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity established in Warsaw supports since 2011 researches on genealogies of memory in Central and Eastern Europe. It’s first conference was dedicated to theories and methods. I gave there a paper on „Monuments and memory constructs in L’viv between 1867 and 1939”. The programme of the conference you can download here. Continue reading „Monuments as a medium of remembrance”