New historical sources – a meeting

Community archives are archival initiatives, which are independent from the state activities. They are a new place, where you can look for unknown historical sources. You can find there e.g. family photos, private documents and diaries. Polish scientists consider sources of community archives to be very important for researches with new approaches, e.g. every day life, cultural life and social life.

On October, 24 they met in Warsaw (Museum of History of Polish Jews – Polin) at the 1st Meeting of Community Archives ( Continue reading „New historical sources – a meeting”

Drama as a tool of education of antidiscrimination

Drama can be a very useful tool of education against discrimination. The society of Drama Practitioners STOP-KLATKA conduct a number of seminars about different drama techniques. These passionate people are working for social change by using the Applied Drama method and teach working with drama. Continue reading „Drama as a tool of education of antidiscrimination”

Urban Spaces of L’viv

There was a number of number of international conferences dedicated to the link of topics „Lviv: City – Society – Culture”. On May 29-31, 2014 the 12th conference took place at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the Center for Urban History. This conference, dedicated to Lviv’s urban space in both its physical and symbolic dimensions, was precisely called „Urban Spaces of Lviv/Lwów/Lemberg: Imagination, Experiences, Practices.” Continue reading „Urban Spaces of L’viv”

Workshops „History and human rights”

History education can be connected with the field of human rights. Since 2010 I’m attempting to do it on a theoretical and practical way. I worked out a theory and methodology on it, which could be useful also for you. You can download it here. You can also download workshop scenarios for work with adults and pupils here. Continue reading „Workshops „History and human rights””

TU Chemnitz, Fluctuating memory

Fluctuating memory

Collective, individual, cultural or communicative memory are very well known in the science. But what is fluctuating or ambiguous memory? I came to this conclusion in regard to my analyse of monuments in L’viv between 1867 and 1939. „Ambiguous memory” means that the memory on one person or event is differential for different society groups and even individuals. Continue reading „Fluctuating memory”

Seminar Eastern Europe on the move 2006 Torun

Eastern Europe on move

Project work is something very important for the personal development of young people. Students of Eastern and Central Europe could learn the project work in practice thanks to the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg of the Robert Bosch Foundation. Me as a member of the Kolleg together with two other members conducted an German-Ukrainian-Polish seminar about Eastern Europe on the move in Toruń in March 2006. Continue reading „Eastern Europe on move”