Poles and Hungarians and their place in Europe

Because of numerous refugees who nowadays want to come to Europe are Hungary and Poland often a topic in the European media. Both are seen as sceptical to the acceptance of refugees in their countries. Poles and Hungarians has a lot in common in the past. Their relationship gives a number of sources for scientific researches.

Poles and Hungarians shared rulers and faith. Common was also the Revolution of 1956, which was of course more tragic on the Hungarian side. Continue reading „Poles and Hungarians and their place in Europe”

Story that moves…

Stories can change the world. A project team wrote on the Website transformativestory.org that they are „using stories to promote empowerment and social justice”. Their aim is to „generate stories aimed at catalysing action on pressing social issues”. Two local examples came to my mind.

Continue reading „Story that moves…”

Media, archives, storytelling

Do media need archives? What has storytelling to do with archive materials? Stories holded on archive sources. Archive sources could be included into media narratives on a attractive way, e.g. using storytelling. There are at least two reasons for it. The stories become „second life” and media don’t have to construct content which can be useful and interesting for its audience. They can use ready sources. Continue reading „Media, archives, storytelling”

How comes to discrimination? Be aware / Jak dochodzi do dyskryminacji? Uświadom sobie

Migration and discrimination of migrants were topics of a two day workshop at the Museum of History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.

We learnt what we need to act against discrimination: knowledge, skills, reflection -> motivation to act. These reminds me of the concept of Swiss Johann Pestalozzi „head, heart and hand” [głowa, serce, ręka]. It means that our mind, feelings and actions should „act” together. Continue reading „How comes to discrimination? Be aware / Jak dochodzi do dyskryminacji? Uświadom sobie”

Space to grow

Why growth is so important? Lack of growth leads to stagnation. Obsession of innovation is the other extreme. On June, 11 (2015) I participated on lectures dedicated to growth and space to growth within an independent Ted event. The event had a title „Space to grow”. I especially enjoyed the lectures of Magdalena Kozłowska-Deć, Hoang Minh Ngo and Dawid Sokołowski. Continue reading „Space to grow”

Drama as a tool of education of antidiscrimination

Drama can be a very useful tool of education against discrimination. The society of Drama Practitioners STOP-KLATKA conduct a number of seminars about different drama techniques. These passionate people are working for social change by using the Applied Drama method and teach working with drama. Continue reading „Drama as a tool of education of antidiscrimination”

Jan Karski. Human beings and H/history

Looking for examples of brave but not out of reach people? Jan Karski was one of them. His life was an inspiration for the conference „Jan Karski. Human beings and H/history. Aims of education for antidiscrimination”. Continue reading „Jan Karski. Human beings and H/history”

Network of Polish NGO’s

Looking for network of NGO’s? Join the National Federation of Polish NGOs (Ogólnopolska Federacja Organizacji Pozarządowych, OFOP). OFOP is organising a meeting (a forum) of Polish non-governmental organisations every 4 years. Continue reading „Network of Polish NGO’s”

Teaching human rights and history

Combining human rights and history education can be very useful. One of the common values for both fields is the change. If you analyse history you look mostly for the change and dealing with human rights aimes mostly at bringing change into life.

Change is also a title of a book wich is being prepared by an international team of scientists in collaboration with practitioners of history education and human rights education. I will upload it here, when it will be finished in 2016. Continue reading „Teaching human rights and history”

German-Belorussian-Lithuanian relationships

Looking for ideas of scientific excursions? I recommend you to go to Lithuania. I took part on the excursion for German, Lithuanian and Belorussian students „Lithuania During a Period of The Two World Wars“ (05.10.2014 – 17.05.2014, Vilnius and Kaunas, Lithuania), organised in cooperation with the Vilnius University and European Humanities University. Continue reading „German-Belorussian-Lithuanian relationships”